Friday, 24 July 2009

Own Time Own Target

I've just snuck out of bed and into the living room.

Now before you start wondering why I'm behaving like a 16 year old, let me explain. Every night, at bedtime, we draw the curtains. Daren settles into bed and I switch off all the lights in the room except for the coffer light in my wadrobe and dresser area. I then head back to bed and give him a goodnight kiss. He'll look up to me with big adorable eyes and ask "what are you going to do now then, baby?" and looking at him like that, I'll answer "accompany you to sleep, of course" and then he'll say "how come you're leaving the lights on, then?"

Resignedly, I walk over to the panel of switches and flick off the coffer lights before diving under the covers where we chat and laugh for a few minutes before he falls asleep. Sometimes, it takes me five minutes to settle down into slumber. Other times, like tonight, try as I might, I cannot fall asleep.

To emphasize the point I'm trying to make, tonight is a good example.

We had pre booked tickets for the play "Own Time Own Target" and were meant to collect it by 7 at the Arts Centre Theatre. At 740, the boys dropped Ale & I in front of the NLB so that we could collect the tickets whilst they parked the car. Ale asked what we did today so I told her that we didn't do much, lazed around, went to the garden to buy some flowers/soil for the garden and then showered and had dinner before heading out to meet them- "all very mundane" I said. She exclaimed that it was kind of cute and sweet, actually.

And I guess it's both, really. Somewhere along the lines, we've fallen into a cycle whereby our every days consist of just the day to day living, throw in a movie here, a play there, dinner with friends once in awhile or a glass of wine. Other than that we're mostly just at work (him), running errands (me), watching telly together or having dinner with either set of parents. Even when we do go out, we're usually home by midnight, eat da-bao supper, showered and tucked into bed by 1 or latest 2am.

Gone are the days where we clubbed every night till 5am, supper/breakfast at 6am, sleep at 7am and woke up at 4pm for lunch, only to repeat the cycle again night after night. Even if we wanted to do it now, I doubt that we could. By midnight we'd be craving the television or snuggling comfortably in bed. Case in point, Bong actually fell asleep in the last five ten minutes of the play tonight. Could it really be that only a year ago, our lives was so completely......... different?

And just for the record, let me clarify: Even though personally, I'm a bit of an insomniac (think: completely messed up body clock) I don't actually mind having to give up my hour before bed with my chick lit or randomly chatting with friends on MSN. No, giving up all that to spend the extra time and have the comfort of falling asleep with my precious boy is perfectly a-ok with me. So much so that when he's not around: I begin to feel like the room is all too quiet, he bed is all too big and the absence all too unsettling. Yes, I have to admit I've grown quite fond of the easy, predictable, comfortable routine we've fallen into, actually. I think I'm permanently down with the Love bug and completely loving it ♥

Having said all that, it's not that we don't have any fun any more. Fun is what you choose to make of it. Life is what you choose to make of it. This weekend, we've decided to spend it doing something out of the ordinary and we're pretty excited :) Just out of curiosity, is anybody else at the same point of life as we are? Or are we the only ones growing too old too quick? I guess the title of the play, "Own Time Own Target" though unrelated, is an apt title for the theme of this entry.

P.S- Can't believe I still haven't got round to writing up my Bangkok entry. I hope I won't have forgotten everything I wanted to say about it by the time I get around to doing it. Promise myself I'll try to do it come Monday. Seems like even though we don't do very much, time passes by so quickly. In retrospect, I don't even know where my minutes and hours that add up to days and weeks have all flown to. I guess as long as I'm happy and having fun, it doesn't really matter.

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