Monday, 14 September 2009

Lay Back In The Arms Of Someone

48 hours, a full spectrum of emotions: anticipation, excitement, disappointment, fear, confusion, sadness, optimism, trust, happiness, contentment, peace at heart, love.

One week apart, six lonely nights. Standing at the baggage carousel seemingly preoccupied with the simple task of collecting luggage, eyes scanning the crowd anxiously until I spot that familiar silhouette. The long, late night drive home. Having granny's home cooked porridge on the kopi-o style family table in the back terrace before showers and cuddles. Tears and an overflow of emotions until the slow steading breathing of slumber takes over. Awaking to your arms carelessly thrown over my waist. Morning goodness unfolds into a slow conversation, debate, argument about us. "We'll work it out, we always have, we always will." Lazy afternoon lunch and a ball of laughter over tummy crunches, or the lack thereof. We hit the arcade: like excited school children, we hold hands and cross our hearts and raise our voices; earnestly trying to clinch the prize, shoot the hoops, line the burgers and kill the mosquitoes. $20 dollars and half an hour later, we leave with a lighter heart and a fast approaching sore throat. An island wide car ride hunting for dinner- Thomson for Kampong Chicken, Sin Ming for Hokkien Mee, Newton for Olua & Rojak, Bukit Timah for Tau Huay. Night time nap, waking reluctantly so he could do his tutorial and I, unpack the harvest of my absence. Midnight MacD's, lying on his lap as we wait in the drive through, his fingers idly twisting strands of my hair, sex on fire blasting on the stereo. Two hours later back in bed, wide eyed, making jokes, trying to fall asleep again. Morning light streams through as he struggles out of bed and into the shower, betting with me that I'll still be asleep when he returns from school. He wins of course, when at lunch time he drags me out of bed to feed my starving tummy. Nap time again, hot plate bbq for dinner, a match of sheepy soccer 7-7 drawed.

Now: He's finished reading his chapter, and I, typing this post. We tiptoe past the other bedrooms to steal paddle pops from the freezer and are heading for a spontaneous walk around the estate. The night is young and explorers in love we are. Someone tell me, how do we freeze the clock?

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